halloo all's..orite..wanna share somethig's..ok2..my suggestion if u guys pnah kne demam..first mesti mandi dlu..bg temperature kurang.then u guys yg suhu nye tggi jgn biakan trdedah dgn kipas or air cond and also no need to use swetear coz if u guys use it ianya adlah utk buat suhu korg tak dpt dikeluarkan..and utk yg pns dlm pulak digalakkan memakai sweater this is for bdn u guys berpeluh the u temperature boleh trun..slh satu cre yg dpt membantu adlah menggunakan KOOLFEVER and ltakkan towel basah kat kepala..utk pemakanan pulak u guys digalakkan mkn bubur yg masih pns *tp bile nk msuk mulut tu tiup la dlu ye*..this is help bdn u guys mendptkan tenaga..selera mungkin hilang tp u guys boleh minum 100 PLUS coz ia nya menghidratkan tenaga ..jgn lpe mkn PANADOL utk dptkan rehat and tndak bls dlaman..if tak kebah juga go to see a doctor..this tips is for those yg jauh dr parents so if parent ta de dgn kita..so its our responsibility to take our self and helping frens..
pray for ur healthy yaw!
p/s entri ini di tulis kerana pernah mengalami keadaan yg sme thanks to all my frens for taking care of me..
love ya!
lihat!!sy sudah sihat!!

pray for ur healthy yaw!
p/s entri ini di tulis kerana pernah mengalami keadaan yg sme thanks to all my frens for taking care of me..
love ya!
lihat!!sy sudah sihat!!
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